Saturday, June 29, 2013

10th Week: Supreme Court Rulings

This post isn't going to be talking much about what was discussed in class.  We did talk about communication, but I feel our subject was overshadowed by much bigger news.  This past week, the Supreme Court ruled that any law preventing homosexual marriage was "unconstitutional" and also claimed that only the state governments had the power to make a ruling on the subject.  As a citizen of California, this is frustrating to me because we fought for Proposition 8 to be passed, and the members of our state government won't uphold it.

But what I really want to talk about is that people are treating this like the civil rights movement back in the 60s and 70s.  There is no way that the two issues can be comparable.  Race is something that people cannot change about themselves.  You are born into a race, and that should not have an effect on what you are able to accomplish in your lifetime.  People deserve rights regardless of their race, and this is something that has been preached and taught throughout history.

When it comes to sexual orientation, homosexuality is a perversion of what should be a simple male or female situation.  As we've discussed in previous classes, homosexuality is not something that people are born with.  People are born with different temperaments, and some of those temperaments are different from what is considered normal for a boy or a girl.  Because of this, the person feels like they do not belong with the group, and the things that are foreign to them begin to become attractive to them.  It is a natural process of life that is mistaken for homosexual tendencies, causing people to become confused.

I'm going to close this post with the closing statements from a Dennis Prager article that I highly recommend and will provide a link to:

By redefining marriage to include same sex couples we are playing with sexual and societal fire. Just as the entitlement state passes on the cost of our good intentions to our children and grandchildren - unsustainable dependency and debt -- so, too, same-sex marriage will pass along the consequences of our good intentions to our children and grandchildren - gender confusion and the loss of motherhood and fatherhood as values, just to cite two obvious consequences.
It is not enough to mean well in life. One must also do well. And the two are frequently not the same thing.
There are reasons no moral thinker in history ever advocated same-sex marriage.

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