Saturday, June 8, 2013

The 7th Week had a Baby

As we continue through our discussion of getting married, being married, and having children, I realize that I am learning quite a lot that will prepare me for when I eventually get to these points in my life. I realize how conceited that sounds because I also believe that one can never be fully prepared for something until they actual get to experience it, but I think I'll have a leg up on some people.

My greatest take-away from this week was budgeting for a wedding. I honestly never realized how much people spent on a wedding, since I thought it wouldn't cost much in the first place. Now that I know some people are blowing around $60,000 on a wedding, I'm dead set on only spending $1000. A lot of things can be taken care of by favors from friends and families, and some things don't need to be gotten because those are wants instead of needs.

Lastly, I like that we talked about how people feel less marital satisfaction when a baby is born. After what we've discussed, I believe the reason for this is that people don't realize all the changes that have to be made for when a baby enters the family system. Before the baby, it's just two people and that's all your focus is on, but then when a baby comes along, you have to start focusing on the spouse and the baby. Schedules have to be changed, time has to be given to the child, and it can and will take a serious toil on people, especially if they aren't prepared for this. I do think it can be somewhat avoided if a couple creates a schedule for when they can have time together and if they communicate with each other instead of just assuming the other one knows how they're feeling.

That concludes my thoughts for this week.

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