Saturday, July 6, 2013

11th Week: Fathers

This week was a lot less emotional than the previous week, but like all weeks, it was fantastic.  We spent most of our time talking about fathers and the importance that they have on the family, with part of our discussion involving writing a paper on fatherhood and identifying five key aspects of fatherhood.  While I won't be posting my paper here, I will be talking a little bit about why I think we need fathers.

We can see that the world is crying out for fathers.  If you listen to popular music or follow some modern celebrities, you'll notice a trend of father absence.  When a father is gone, it creates a hole or a void in the child's soul that can't completely be filled.  That father is there to provide, protect, and teach the child.  From the father the child learns how to properly take care of the people that matter most in their life, especially the child's mother.  Children also learn concepts such as sacrifice and working hard from the father.

I believe that a large amount of the societal ills that we encounter are results of neglectful or absent fathers.  While a father in the home won't instantly cure all the problems, it is a good place to start.  In order to be a true father, a man must treat his wife with respect and reverence.  He must treat his children and family as his top priority.  He must not do things to harm them or scare them or negatively affect them.

Those are just some tidbits of why I believe fathers to be important and vital to society.

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