Saturday, June 1, 2013

How to marry the sixth week

Another week has come and gone, and I'm enjoying my Family Relations class more than ever. The things that we talk about in this class are things that everyone should know about, and as one of my classmates said, they should be talked about in public schools alongside or even in place of sex ed. We have a lot of troubles with relationships in the world, which I believe can be fixed by learning how relationships are supposed to work and implementing that knowledge. One thing I really liked about this week was the relationship chart that was similar to the stereo equalizer, stating that knowing someone was more important than trusting someone, relying on someone or committing to someone. A large amount of our problems with relationships come when we put more commitment, trust, and reliance on people when we don't know very much about them, as evidenced by people who got married when they didn't really do anything to learn about each other during the dating process.

Another thing we talked about that I liked was how people outside your relationship can see when there are problems that need to be addressed. Back when I had a girlfriend, I was basically living in a fantasy land and not really doing anything to move the relationship along or learning about her. People around me could see there were problems and that I needed to make adjustments, but I was cocky and didn't follow their advice. Today that relationship fell through due to problems on both our ends, but I think things would have been a little better if I had know about this "Relationship Equalizer" at the time.

Lastly, I also liked how we talked about that sometimes people who aren't in a relationship think that there is a problem with them and that is why they haven't been able to hook up with someone or get married. While there are people who are jerks and just don't know how to act in a relationship, most of the time everyone feels like they are the only one who is doing something wrong and that they have a problem. If you feel this way, let me tell you that you are not alone, and the best thing to do is never give up and don't let fear prevent you from dating people and having fun.

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